Why Simulation?
Push the Boundaries of Your Design and Test Process
Breakdown Design and Test Barriers with Simulation
As a product design engineer, you’re faced with the increasingly difficult task of balancing innovation with typical business pressures such as cost and time to market. As a result, you likely feel trapped by the constraints of the slow-paced physical prototyping process. However, there is a better way.
By bringing engineering simulation software into the beginning of your design process and implementing virtual prototyping techniques, you can rapidly model complex physics and quickly iterate on and optimize product designs. With the opportunity to work out the kinks in your design virtually, you can confidently deliver a physical prototype that will allow you to bypass the traditional time-consuming and costly “test-fail-fix-repeat” cycle.
Engineering Simulation Software for All Your Physics Needs
Ansys offers a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires.

Reduce Product Development Time, Costs, and Risks with Virtual Prototyping
Are there ideas your design engineers have that get shot down because they may take too much time, cost too much money, or be too risky to try out using physical prototypes? It’s time to stop stifling innovation because of the cumbersome nature of physical prototyping by embracing virtual prototyping with engineering simulation software. By incorporating this valuable step at the beginning of your design process, you can greatly reduce the time, costs, and risks associated with product design.
No matter what industry you’re working in or application you’re working on, you can use simulation software to perform a wide range of tests virtually that will allow you to:
- Break to the cycle of spending tens of thousands of dollars and waiting weeks to outsource multiple PCB board design iterations
- Quit waiting in line for access to expensive physical testing tools such as shaker tables and stop paying people to monitor extensive tests for weeks at a time
- Improve the accuracy and safety of testing medical equipment prior to human trials
- Perform destructive crash and blast analysis tests that aren’t practical to conduct physically
Chat with one of our experts to see how simulation software can meet your specific needs.

Six Considerations for Selecting Engineering Simulation Software
Engineering simulation software is a powerful tool to reduce design and test costs. Download our latest white paper to learn how to choose a simulation solution that’s right for your needs.
A Complete Simulation Software Suite
Design and Refine Faster with the Ansys Platform
The comprehensive Ansys simulation software suite provides the exact tools you need, without the complicated features you don’t, so that you can use virtual prototyping to quickly solve even your toughest design challenges. The Ansys platform is a complete suite of simulation tools centered around making your design process more efficient.
With three tiers of core Ansys simulation products available, a wide range of add-on tools to address specific application and computing needs, and a variety of purchasing options, we will partner with you to customize an Ansys software experience that best meets your simulation needs.

Design. Simulate. Succeed.
DRD Technology – Your Partner for Success with the Ansys Platform
As an Ansys Elite Channel Partner since 1984, when our experts are on your side, your design engineers can quickly work through even the toughest physics problems to optimize product design and test and ultimately get to market faster with a superior product.
Since your success with Ansys tools is at the core of our business, we ensure all our engineers have a unique combination of extensive Ansys simulation software knowledge and multi-discipline physics expertise. This translates to our ability to both knowledgably guide you through the product selection process and provide custom-tailored support and consulting services that will help you quickly achieve Ansys simulation tool proficiency.
In short, we’ve made it our mission to provide the resources you need to design, simulate, and succeed using the Ansys simulation software suite.
Frequently Asked Questions
It seems like virtual prototyping is an additional step, won’t this add time to my development process?
Simulation will likely add time to the upfront part of the development process as you conduct virtual testing, which may delay time to first prototype. However, simulation will save time and money later in the design process as the number of physical prototypes and errors during physical product testing are reduced. This is a culture shift for many companies that needs to be embraced when adopting simulation or management may have the impression that deadlines are being missed or the design process is actually longer.
How can you help companies embrace simulation technology and this shift in the design process?
You first need to be sure that your engineers want simulation to be part of their role. If your engineers aren’t bought into using simulation, it will be difficult for them to carve out the time to learn and use the tools. But, if they are, we offer a wide variety of training resources designed to foster long-term success with the Ansys platform.
How Long Does It Take to Get Trained and Become Proficient on Simulation Software?
There is not a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. This really depends on the physics needs of the simulations you will perform, how quickly your engineers can learn and absorb the information, and how much time management is willing and able to carve out at the beginning for onboarding.
How will I know which Ansys products are right for my needs?
Don’t feel overwhelmed by the breadth of Ansys products available. DRD Technology Ansys software experts will guide you through the product selection process to license the exact simulation tools you need.