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For the Ansys Discovery product, the resources to learn the tool are available within the software and at various online websites. You can download our recommended learning journey with the link to the right. Other possible training tips are shown in the videos below. Please contact for specific questions as needed.
Learn where to access Ansys Discovery Training Content.
Create conformal meshes in Ansys Mechanical using Shared Topology in Discovery.
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Extract 2D profiles from 3D geometry for axisymmetric simulation in Discovery.
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Read 2D models from Discovery to set up 2D axisymmetric simulations in Mechanical.
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Update 2D profiles in Discovery and associatively update mechanical results.
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Clean up and prepare topology optimized plate/sheet components for manufacturing using Ansys Discovery.
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Simplify parts down to their primitive form in order to clean up dirty geometry and modify complex shapes.
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Create and connect 2D Beam profiles and shell midsurfaces automatically starting from 3D geometry.
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Use the “stitch” and “missing faces” tools to patch together watertight surfaces from a corrupt .igs geometry.
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This course provides an introduction to conducting thermal simulations for electronics in Ansys Icepak using the Classic interface.
The course devotes very little time to CFD & thermal theory and focuses on the use of the software through workshops to solve practical problems. Workshops are focused on the electronics industry and include heat sinks, amplifiers, grilles, circuit boards and include various software features such as zoom-in modeling, compact models, hex dominant meshing and non conformal meshing.The import of board trace layers are also discussed and demonstrated.
Most workshops create geometry from scratch or import neutral CAD geometry as starting points. DRD encourages the students to bring a SAT or Parasolid file with them to the training (preferably a model from their workplace) for a little testing and discussion of their own problems to solve. DRD will also demonstrate the integration between CAD systems and Icepack in the Workbench environment. DRD has added a custom workshop to the course that transfers the thermal results from Icepak to Ansys Mechanical for thermal-stress analysis all within Workbench.
DRD conducts this course over two days. Most of the course material comes from Ansys, Inc.’s three day Introduction to Icepak course. Students will receive all of these materials and can work through and reference the additional material on their own time.
Overview of Icepack and User Interface
Pre-defined objects in Icepak
Model Setup and Transient Solution Controls
Mesh Features – Hex Dominant, Non-Conformal, Zoom-In Modeling
Connection to CAD within Ansys Workbench
Thermal-stress analysis
Finned Heat Sink
RF Amplifier
Cold-Plate Model with Non-Conformal Meshing
Multi-Level Meshing
Loss Coefficient for a Hexa-Grille
Transient Simulations
IDF Import
Integration of CAD with Ansys Workbench, Icepak, and Transfer of Results to Ansys Mechanical for Thermal-Stress Analysis
Ansys Twin Builder enables engineers to accurately and quickly design complex mechanical, power electronics and electrically controlled systems. In industries such as automotive, aerospace and industrial automation, organizations use Twin Builder to identify problems in the early design stages that other simulation or build-and-test methods cannot detect.
This course provides an introduction to Ansys Twin Builder for Mechanical Engineers. The course focuses on hands on workshops, and students solve problems ranging from spring-mass-damper dynamic systems to hydraulic systems including transient effects. Workshops also include modeling of a Pong game using co-simulation with the Ansys Mechanical Rigid Body Dynamics tool as well as use of Ansys Mechanical and Ansys CFD Reduced Order Models in fluid systems.
Workshop 1
Transient response of ideal single degree of freedom mechanical system (simple mass spring damper)
Workshop 2
Transient and frequency response of ideal two degree of freedom mechanical system (simple multi-mass-spring-damper)
Workshop 3a
Transient simulation of a hydraulic system comprised of ideal linear pipes and ideal pump
Workshop 3b
Transient simulation of a hydraulic system comprised of non-linear pipe and a realistic pump with feedback control
Workshop 4
Transient simulation of ping-pong game with feedback control in Twin Builder using co-simulation with Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD)
Workshop 5
Transient simulation of gas regulator response in Twin Builder using Ansys Mechanical Reduced Order Model (ROM) to represent non-linear diaphragm structure.
Workshop 6
Transient simulation of piping system with position controlled butterfly valve where valve flow characteristics originate from an Ansys Fluent Reduced Order Model (ROM).