Ansys Maxwell

HIGH-Fidelity Low Frequency Electronics software

Ansys Maxwell is a very powerful tool used for electromagnetic and motor design simulations, and offer unique advantages over other products in this market. Some of the advantages of Ansys Maxwell include:

High Detail and Accuracy.  A detailed and comprehensive analysis of electromagnetic fields is possible with fine mesh capabilities and advanced solver technologies. This results in accurate predictions of electromagnetic behavior and can handle complex geometries and materials with high precision.  It is particularly strong in simulating static, transient, and frequency-domain electromagnetic fields, making it suitable for a wide range of applications beyond motor design, including transformers, inductors, and magnetic actuators.

Versatility.   Ansys Maxwell can be applied to various types of electromagnetic devices beyond motors, such as actuators, sensors, and wireless devices. This broad applicability is beneficial for industries dealing with a range of electromagnetic components.  In addition, it integrates well with other Ansys simulation tools, such as Ansys Fluent for fluid dynamics and Ansys Mechanical for structural analysis. This integration facilitates a multi-physics approach, enabling comprehensive simulations of systems where electromagnetic effects interact with thermal, fluidic, or structural phenomena.

Optimization.  Ansys Maxwell includes advanced optimization tools for electromagnetic design, allowing users to optimize various parameters such as geometry, material properties, and operating conditions to achieve desired performance characteristics.  It also allows for extensive customization and extension through scripting and user-defined functions. This flexibility is beneficial for users with specialized needs or complex simulation requirements.

Analysis and Reporting.  Ansys Maxwell provides in-depth analysis of phenomena such as eddy currents, magnetic flux densities, and field distributions. This detailed analysis is crucial for understanding complex electromagnetic interactions.  Detailed reporting and advanced visualization tools for electromagnetic simulations is also included, helping users interpret results comprehensively and communicate findings effectively.

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Grundfos and Ansys Maxwell


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